DIY Marketing
Issue: Entrepreneur without formal business education is doing his own marketing for his e-commerce company.

Client wants to work side by side with a marketing expert to “learn while doing.” His goals are to:
- Drive increased sales through better marketing
- Weave strategic marketing throughout his business
- Meet with client biweekly for 60 to 90 minutes by phone
- Provide detailed action registers for accountability and next steps
- Strategy
- Moved away from overt focus on low price/value
- Created strong differentiation versus competitors by focusing on emotional benefits
- Website
- Recommended changes to better align with new value proposition
- Client has begun to optimize website for search engines to increase organic traffic
- Products
- Exploring new product bundles to better align with customer usage
- Customers
- Created an automated customer satisfaction survey to provide ongoing feedback loop to acquire solid, continually refreshed data
- Pricing
- Increased prices by +10% with no negative effect on revenue