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Hiring an Advertising Agency
Issue: Technology sector B2B client needs to hire an advertising agency.
- Client on strong growth trajectory had an active print advertising campaign, but felt it had outgrown the capabilities of its current agency
- Client wanted creative that would be differentiated and create stronger local awareness for its brand
- Client had already worked with Argentum on developing a differentiated positioning statement and a marketing plan
- Determined rough budget for annual advertising spending
- Created list of potential agencies, conducted broad vetting via their websites, and put information into a spreadsheet that included:
• Extent of B2B focus
• Print experience based on online portfolio
• Representative clients
- Conducted initial phone interviews with the most relevant agencies to better understand:
• Typical client size by dollar spend
• Experience in client’s sector
• Any current client conflicts of interest
• Agency’s primary competency
• Percentage of current accounts that are B2B
- Created RFI and sent to those agencies the team was most interested in working with
- Reviewed RFIs and identified final round agencies
- Client executive team and Argentum Strategy Group met with three agencies in-person at the agencies’ offices to evaluate proposals and determine best fit
- Developed agency scorecard for rating different agencies along same dimensions
- Led client team debrief and agency selection meeting