Maximizing Marketing Dollars Through Partnerships


$15M off-trend brand in small category needs fresh consumer tactic.

SITUATION icon_asses

With a tiny budget, and only a 4% household penetration, the brand needed creative, cost-effective ways to increase its number of consumer impressions


  • Reviewed brand assets, and asked two key questions: What is working well, and what might be of interest to a partner?
    • Sales force great at getting shipper placement
    • Packaging good size for partner offer “billboard”
    • Tri-fold, four-color tear-pads provided great real estate for partner offer
    • Signature recipe easy and quick to demonstrate plus it’s a “surprise and delighter” for consumers
  • Seasonal brand driven by peak berry harvest, so timing of activity different by market
  • Based on brand characteristics, determined that ideal partner would be a food-related partner for whom grocery store exposure would be desirable

ACTIONS icon_act

  • Identified home-party food prep/storage company as ideal partner
  • Created multi-faceted, fully integrated promotion featuring signature recipe
    • Partner featured in brand’s tear-pad and on brand’s package
    • Brand featured in demonstrations at partner’s home parties and recipe printed in partner’s catalog
    • All elements of program, across both companies, had similar look and feel

SOLUTIONS icon_sol

  • Saved brand $450K in sampling fees and generated 800K incremental impressions